Mortal Coil was written five years after the death of my father Jim Hansen in 2017. He spent his last few days as he wished, at home with his family. In our home, I found the sounds of his breathing machine to be poignant and representative of the final breaths I would hear from him. I recorded the air compressors with the thought that someday I would use them in a piece (this is the recording you hear at the beginning of the piece). In December 2022 I found myself ready to write this piece. The benefit of time allowed me a new perspective on these final days with my dad as well of the role of the compressors. As I listened to the recordings I found myself with conflicting feelings of sadness and loss, with a sense of thankfulness for the compressors and their ability to allow my father and our family to have our last moments.
James (Jimmy) D. Hansen - December 9, 1949 - December 31, 2017 This obit was written by Jimmy Hansen himself.
I want to let the people I know and was close to, and also knew but chose not to associate with, or they with me, that I have left this mortal coil. In lieu of flowers or I am glad you are gone you old reprobate, please make a donation to your local public radio or TV station and then actually watch PBS or listen to NPR occasionally!
#couldntwaitforthemeteorite #E=mc² #littleswissarmyknife #hibernatingnow #musicisacommentaryonsociety
Mortal Coil was commissioned by Andrew Spencer and the Central Michigan University Percussion Ensemble.
Performed by Daniel Albertson, Will Alderman, Nathan Bushey, Jason Degenhardt, Tommy Dobbs, Emily Grabinski, Hunter Gross, Matthew Lau, Theodore Musick, Ryan Pearson, Andrew Richardson, Marco Schirripa, Josh Turner, Hannah Weaver, Jamie Whitmarsh